Monday, September 16, 2024

Heidelberg (The First Time)

Scrappy Monday, y'all!  Well, it's almost time--this Wednesday is when the hubs has brain surgery.  We have a friend coming to stay on Tuesday night and get Ryan to school on Wednesday morning so I can take the hubs to the hospital early that morning and be there while he's in surgery and when he comes out.  All the positive vibes are appreciated; he's pretty nervous about this.  I have a friend who had a similar surgery done about 10 years ago so we've been asking her questions about what to expect.

So anyway, I'll probably schedule some posts for the next few days and we'll see how everything goes.  In the meantime, it's Scrappy Monday and I have some pages!

For our very first road trip in Germany, I chose Heidelberg, mostly because Missy used to live there when she was a wee young lass and her dad was in the Army.  We got absolutely poured on the whole way there but we lucked out; the skies cleared and we never got rained on while we were exploring the town.  We went back there a couple of times while we lived in Germany; it was maybe a little over an hour away from our house and it's such a neat little town.  Plus there's a big castle ruin up on the hill and that's always cool.

I was looking for the layout that I did of our house in Germany to share today, couldn't find it in my draft posts and finally figured out that I posted it last spring when we were house shopping here in Colorado.  Ha!

Today's color palette:  Fresh Fig, River Rock, Really Rust, Wild Wasabi, and Very Vanilla.  I got to use purple on scrapbook pages, y'all!  When I do something with fall colors, I like to use a deep blue usually to offset the warm tones a bit, and this time I branched out and went with purple instead.  The Apple Cider DSP I used has been in my stash for a super long time and it was fun to play with that again.  I've been playing with older stamp sets a lot lately, but I've also been making things with my brand new mini catalog haul; it's just that most of those cards are for future design team work so I can't share them yet ; )

Wow, it's almost 7 and I'm still the only one up in this house.  I actually got my entire workout and meditation done with no interruptions this morning!  Okay, the hubs is awake, but he's still upstairs, and since Ryan hadn't come down with the iPad it's been a peaceful morning.  Not for much longer though, he'll have to get up for school soon.  Cheers, y'all!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Alphabet Antiques Upper & Lower
Ink:  Fresh Fig
Paper:  Fresh Fig, Really Rust, Wild Wasabi, Thick Very Vanilla, Apple Cider DSP
Accessories:  None

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