Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Apple Picking

It's not quite 6 a.m. here and we've already had an exciting morning.  We just had our shower floor replaced and this morning was the first time we've used it since doesn't drain.  At all.  The contractor must have put some kind of plug in it and forgotten to take it out before he finished.  So 10 minutes after the hubs got out of the shower, we noticed a dripping sound...the water was coming through the ceiling to downstairs.  So we grabbed a bucket and bailed 3-4 giant buckets of water out of there as fast as we could, put down towels to get the rest, and there's still water slowly dripping through the light fixture downstairs.  Oh, and today is the day we *finally* have the hubs' initial appointment at the neurosurgery clinic and hopefully get a date for his brain surgery.  When it rains, it pours...but it should NOT rain inside the house.

Anyway, on a brighter note, I got to play with some new stamps and here is my very first card with my holiday catalog stuff:

Still with the apple theme : )  I used this week's color challenge from the Paper Players:

I used Poppy Parade, Daffodil Delight, and Azure Afternoon, and the Tinsel Gems are Blueberry Bushel but I thought they worked here.

I'm also entering this at Shopping Our Stash, where the theme is using something that you have a lot of and yet keep buying more of and yep, guilty over here.  I have literally hundreds of stamp sets (I can think of at least seven other apple-related stamp sets in my collection without trying hard) and thousands of sheets of patterned paper, but for the card I made today, I used one of my brand new stamp sets and a brand new DSP stack.  I also got three new types of embellishments in that order, though I used some Tinsel Gems I already had for this card ; )

Okay, I'm hoping that we have exhausted all of our bad luck for today and that we can get this shower thing fixed ASAP.  Not to mention getting the hubs' brain fixed as well.  Positive vibes would be appreciated, y'all.

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Warms My Heart
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, Daffodil Delight, Stampin' Blends in Daffodil Delight, Azure Afternoon, Poppy Parade, Pecan Pie, Petal Pink, Gray Granite
Paper:  Poppy Parade, Thick Basic White, Brights DSP Stack
Accessories:  Stylish Shapes dies, Tinsel Gems, Dimensionals


ElizStewart said...

Christy... I am hoping this wonderful card "washes" away all the bad of today! My adrenalin was running as I read your story. Fingers are crossed your contractor is a good guy who gets out and fixes the problem quickly. Given everything, I have to thank you for finding the time to share your creativity with The Paper Players.

LeAnne said...

Good heavens, I hope the shower/drain thing is an easy fix....that contractor should offer to pay for ALL repairs! Meanwhile, your card is managed to use all those colors perfectly and that sweet little lady is great as the focal point of your card! Always happy to have you play with us at the Players!

Tanya said...

This card is SO happy. Water problems are NOT. happy. UGH. I am SO sorry you have to deal with that. I hope the contractor will pay for the damaged ceiling too!

Jolanda Johnstone said...

So many things can go wrong when fix-ups are happening. However, nothing to fix with this really cute card. Your coloring is wonderful, Christy! Thanks for finding the time to join us at Paper Players this week. Cheers, Jolanda - DT

Joanne James - The Crafty Owl said...

'When it rains, it pours' as the saying goes - but I hope your shower problems get fixed pronto and things improve on the health front for your hubby too. And you still managed to create the most fabulous card using only three primary colours - I love it! Thanks for sharing with us over at The Paper Players this week!

Jan Clothier said...

What a drama in your beautiful new house! I like your approach - when life isn't going so well, make cards. This one is a beauty. You've avoided making the card too busy and despite the strong colours and patterns the main image shines. The way the sentiment goes so well with the image is great. Thanks for joining in with us again at The Paper Players.