Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Insert Clever Message Here

Hey y'all, how's it going?  I'm back to writing posts in real time, whee.  Also I feel like I'm starting to come down with something again, I had strep throat a couple of weeks ago right after we arrived here in Colorado.  Ugh.  BUUUUUT to focus on the positive today, my craft room is up and running and here is the very first card I've made in Colorado:

Had to start with the Paper Players challenge:

I didn't want to dig through all my retired stamps for something beachy, so Sea Turtle it is!  Plus I've started sending my friend Middy sea turtle cards.  I think she expressed an interest in sea turtles at some point but my brain could be making that up, but regardless, every time I make a sea turtle card, I send it to her.  And if I don't have any sea turtle cards on deck, the USPS recently released sea turtle postage stamps :)  All that to say, I know who's getting this card!

And also congrats to the Paper Players for making it to more than 700 challenges!  Wish I could have played along last week but it's taken a while to get unpacked and organized.  Sooooo do you want to see my new crafting CASTLE?  Stay tuned, but first here's the recipe for the card:

Stamps:  Sea Turtle, Saying Hey
Ink:  Azure Afternoon, Blueberry Bushel, Night of Navy, Lemon Lime Twist, Garden Green, Whisper White
Paper:  Basic Beige, Thick Basic White
Accessories:  Adhesive Glitter Sequins, Wink of Stella, Dimensionals

Okay, just to get this out of the way, my craft room is the master bedroom in this house.  We had wanted a four-bedroom house (master, Ryan, guest room, craft room), but this one is three...however, the master suite has a huge bedroom and a sitting area separated by a wall with a dual-sided fireplace on it.  All our bedroom stuff fit in the sitting room side just fine, so here's my craft room which I realize is RIDICULOUS.

Pictures aren't the best quality, I think because of all the light coming in from the windows, but I took this one standing in the doorway between the craft room and the master bedroom.

The movers had beat up my old file cabinets sufficiently over the years that they were pretty much done, so I got two new file cabinets that Ryan and the hubs put together for me.  I salvaged one of the old file cabinets (the shorter one on the left) because it's still standing, albeit dented.

My old bookshelves were also toast, but I'd had most of them since high school so they hung in there for quite a while.  So I got these four Ikea bookshelves for all my stamps.

Okay this is a terrible picture but it's the only one I took of this side of the craft room.  I have two giant shelving units in the corners, one with all my 12x12 cardstock and DSP (except I'm missing one of the paper totes and can't find it anywhere), and the other has my completed scrapbook pages and some other miscellaneous items.

So here's the wall between the craft room and the bedroom, you can see through the fireplace if you want to, and the doorway is to the left of the fireplace.

The hubs took yesterday off work to attend to a few things around the house, and we put up artwork in my craft room which makes me so happy.  So above the file cabinets I have Maleficent, The Princess Bride, and Megara (sorry for the glare).  We still have a LOT of things to hang up around the house to cover up that greige paint until we can paint the house something nicer.  Even the ceilings are greige!

And in one corner I have my happy coyote who makes me think of Mercy Thompson (heroine of my favorite book series), and Indiana Jones and Marion on the bottom.

And to represent my first fandom, I have an entire Star Wars wall.  Mostly the ladies of Star Wars, focusing on Princess Leia, but the Mandalorian is in there too.

My two largest pieces that I got on a May the Fourth sale last year and just framed right before we packed out in Texas.  Whee!  This room is YOOOOJ and there's still enough room to put a second 6-foot table in the middle so the hubs could work on projects in there too, though I absolutely drew the line at him hanging up a giant RC plane from the ceiling anywhere in here.  Well, really, anywhere in the house.  I think giant planes hanging from the ceiling would be claustrophobia-inducing, and I don't want something that 3D on any of the walls either.  That stuff can stay in the garage, thankyouverymuch.

So yeah, there's my crafting castle.  Guess we'd better stay here awhile because I don't know how I'd fit all that in a smaller space...

Cheers, y'all.


LeAnne said...

Your card is as cute as can be, but that craft room---wowza! You could definitely get creative in that big space! Lucky you!

Stef Perry said...

Love your sea turtle Christy - I'm kind of semi-obsessed with them, even buying the USPS stamps! She looks pretty on the beach scene you created.

I see why you call that a crafting castle, it's an amazing crafting space. That would be my dream come true, so good for you!

Thanks so much for making time to play along with us this week at The Paper Players!

Jan Clothier said...

By golly, that's one fantastic craft space! I'd never want to leave it! I love the way you've done the water for your sea turtle to swim in. Thanks for joining us again at The Paper Players - moving is an acceptable reason for not playing along last week! :-)

Jolanda Johnstone said...

A very handsome card, Christy! A super beach-type image. Congrats on getting your Studio space in order. No small feat for such a bright open space. Happy Crafting. Thanks for joining us this week at Paper Players. Cheers, Jolanda - DT

Michelle said...

Wow, what a lovely space!!