Saturday, August 31, 2024

Bright Snapdragons

Mornin' y'all!  I have an extra card this week.  Yesterday's Sweet Peas card was actually the second one I made for the Freshly Made Sketches and Colour Throwdown challenges, here's the first one:

The Pretty in Pink just kinda looks a little muted or dirty on the snapdragons and I wasn't sure I liked it when I finished with it, so I made the Sweet Peas card.  Here's the sketch again:

And the colors:

I used the exact same shades as yesterday, Lemon Lolly, Pretty in Pink, and Shy Shamrock, plus a fair bit of Night of Navy for contrast.

If the hubs is feeling good enough, we might head out to a local farmers' market after breakfast, so I'm going to go make some eggs.  Cheers, y'all!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Inspiring Snapdragons, Everyday Details
Ink:  Pretty in Pink, Shy Shamrock, Night of Navy
Paper:  Pretty in Pink, Thick Basic White, Night of Navy DSP, Lighter than Air DSP Stack
Accessories:  Nested Essentials dies, Inspiring Snapdragons dies, In Color Dots, Dimensionals


Jen Timko said...

Another fab card! Love these flowers. Glad you joined us this week at FMS!

Karren said...

This pink looks lovely on these gorgeous flowers! Thanks so much for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches.

Broni said...

Super pretty snapdragons and I love them on the dark background! Thanks so much for playing along at the Color Throwdown with us this week!