Tuesday, June 4, 2024

SUO Challenges Celebrates Dads & Grads

Surprise, it's a double post day!  Okay, I wrote out the first post and blithely published it and didn't remember that it's SUO Challenges day until I went to go look at Cynthia's blog and she's on the ball and did her SUO Challenges post for today and I FORGOT.  So it's a double post day now!

And here is our theme this time around:

No one in my immediate circle is graduating this year, so I went for a Father's Day card:

And I made this weeks ago, not tracking that the annual catalog was coming to an end so the DSP I used is retired.  Actually so is the stamp set I used for the sentiment, but I'm happy that Doggone Friendly is in the new catalog!  Not that it matters since I keep my stamps forever.  Anyway, I decided to go with Doggone Friendly for my Father's Day card because the hubs and I were the parents of two fur babies for many years before Ryan entered the chat, AND we'll be getting a new doggo (or two) after we move next month.

Your turn!  Make a card for the dad or grad in your life (or both, if applicable), and upload it to the SUO Challenges blog.  Have fun!

Supplies, all SU!
Stamps:  Doggone Friendly, He's All That
Ink:  Pebbled Path
Paper:  Misty Moonlight, Pebbled Path, Thick Basic White, Fresh as a Daisy DSP
Accessories:  Deckled Rectangles dies, Deckled Circles dies, In Color Rounds, Dimensionals

1 comment:

Joanne James - The Crafty Owl said...

Retired or not, I love it! I'm struggling to keep up with the rate of churn these days (which is probably code for I keep too much too, but there we are!) Your card is a great way to use that background stamp Christy - zoning in on a small section works really well, and I love the colour combo too.